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New Major in Mathematics & Computer Science

The School of Engineering & Applied Science (SEAS) and the College of Arts & Sciences (A&S) developed a new major that efficiently captures the intersection of the complementary studies of computer science and math.

Joint Major Details

I've enjoyed math since getting past multiplication tables, but I never really thought I would be a math major. After taking a few math classes here, I realized just how amazing both the subject and the department were. It's so nice to be in a community of quality people who enjoy discovering math for both the sake of interest and for describing and influencing other areas of study.

―Lauren Ellison google助手手机版下载


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UG Committee Teaching Talks

UG Committee Teaching Talks


Awards & Notables, Faculty, Research

Australian Research Council Discovery Award

Graduate Research Assistantships in Developing Countries (GRAID) Program
Awards & Notables, Graduate, Research


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